An end-to-end solution to fast track your pilot project and kick-start your IoT vision.
Brought to you by Microsoft, e-Magic & Microshare

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Improve your business and the comfort of the people in your space.

Start collecting data now for future analysis that will ultimately inform your decisions!

IoT solutions should work out of the box supporting your business with insight that helps you make better decisions. IoT ecosystems should grow seamlessly and change with you – from your first installation to realizing your ultimate Smart Space.

IoT-EZ is a Microsoft program that brings partners together to create insightful, easy-to-deploy, and cost-effective IoT solutions to customers who want to run a simple, short-term trial.

IoT-EZ – Activity-Feedback is a collaboration between Microshare and e-Magic that enables you to monitor how people use 4 rooms over time and crowdsource feedback from two of those rooms as well.

We recommend that you choose 2 meeting rooms and 2 restrooms.

The Challenge

Covid-19 changed priorities for facilities managers. Now, the top-of-mind  challenge is how to reduce infection risk and re-assure occupants that a space is safe.

But pre-pandemic issues are still prevalent. Cleaning budgets are shrinking while customer demands for health and safety are rising.

The Solution

Deliver better service at a lower cost by making better decisions with data. Let sensors monitor your space so you don’t have to be everywhere at once. With dashboards that include:

  • Feedback
  • Room Occupancy
  • Feedback to Activity Comparison
  • Real-time room occupancy monitoring

The Outcomes

Adapting the space to reflect its actual usage optimizes space and reduces leasing cost. As well as increased levels of service based on demand from crowd-sourced feedback. This improves the workspace experience and validation of cleanliness providing reassurance of safety and well-being.

What can I learn from this data?

When you understand how people really use your space you can make decisions that enhance the experience by raising service levels and letting people know you care about their health and well-being.

Space optimization is a crucial factor in rationalizing your square footage costs.  Why lease space you don’t need?  Analyzing usage trends over time gives you the confidence to make hard decisions about your corporate real estate portfolio.

The Power of Correlation – Occupancy data interacts with every other metric you track – from lighting to heat, water use to air quality.  Human activity is the reason Commercial Real Estate exists.  It’s an analytical gap you don’t want to miss.

What management decisions can I make from this data?

  • Lease optimization

Why rent space that is not occupied?

Is this space utilized effectively?

  • Operations optimization

Why clean a space that is not used?

Is the cleaning schedule suitable for the time/frequency of use?

Is your cleaning SLA being met?

Is the service response delighting my users / tenants / employees?

Based on usage, will adjusting HVAC, lighting or other systems conserve energy?

 What are the benefits for the people using the space?

Cleanliness provides reassurance of safety and well-being

Adapting the space to reflect its actual usage improves the workspace

Higher levels of service

What’s in the box?

1 LoRaWAN gateway
2 feedback sensors
2 motion sensors
1 magnet

To learn more about how Microshare’s Smart Building solutions reveal previously hidden insights on the safety, efficiency and sustainability of our clients’ facilities, please complete the form below.